Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Effects Of Foreign Labor On Hawaii Essay - 1412 Words

It is with great news that I write to you on this momentous day, brother. I have finally landed in San Francisco. About time as well. I don’t think I was ever able to gain sea legs. Now, it is time for me just like our fellow countrymen abroad to serve Japan in expanding her influence. While aboard the ship, I was able to to study the guides. There was a lot of useful information in all of them. I believe I gained a great deal from How to Go to America Alone. We stopped in Honolulu to pick up more travelers. Many were fellow Japanese who were leaving Hawaii in search of higher paying jobs on the mainland. I must say, many of their stories did not quite represent those that had encouraged me to take this journey. Life on Hawaii must be very much different than on the mainland. I was told that the companies and plantations had effectively became powerful unchecked governing forces. Abuse of foreign labor is common. I must be positive and understand that the situation in the United States will not be the same. Hopefully, I will be able to succeed in my studies and make a great deal of money. It is ever important that I send my remaining earnings back home to support the family. I have changed as a person adjusting to life in America. Finding good work has been an arduous task. Thankfully, I have had the support of our ken. Kenjinkai has been important in my first few years in the United States. Imagine coming this country alone without anyone familiar to fall back upon.Show MoreRelatedOutsourcing Jobs Causes Negative Economic Effect1723 Words   |  7 PagesEconomic and Social Effect on American Workers Do you work at the same company your father does? Does your father work at the same company your Grandfather did? Few companies employ multiple generations these days. Have you wondered what happened to all the jobs? One reason for the decrease in jobs could be attributed to outsourcing. 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