Sunday, June 7, 2020

Tools Providing Data to Senior Executives Research Assignment - 550 Words

Tools Providing Data to Senior Executives Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Tools Providing Data to Senior ExecutivesNameInstitutional AffiliationTools Providing Data to Senior ExecutivesLink: /business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/eight-shifts-that-will-take-your-strategy-into-high-gearThe article makes it clear that to come up with a fantastic analytical framework, the process should begin with a discussion and presentation of data dynamics. The practical way of establishing the systematic plan is by holding frequent strategic communications with colleagues in the executive position. This might emerge as a fixed part of a management plan, especially when meetings are to be held regularly to determine the most coherent technique. The article proceeds by stating that for the check-ins to be made productive, the executive needs to come up with a live list and be in a position to maintain it as it contains strategic issues that are essential in areas of management.Consequently, the management should establish a schedule of well-organized big moves as well as major initiatives that can be executed by the executives. At every meeting, updates should be made regarding the market condition and the anticipated effect the business will bear regarding some of the major initiatives undertaken. Moreover, the updates should determine if there is a possibility that the planned actions of the organization will remain adequate for the performance improvement.The article is relevant because it considers business analytics as a fundamental process of examining assumptions from time to time. It finds business analysis as the most significant step in organizations that want to improve present business strategies by focusing on the roles of top managers. The tools can be used to verify and recommend the need to change from one business process to another. In other words, the introduction of a new business in a company requires proper analysis of the existing system and the ability of the organization to accommodate such changes.Link: article points out how journalists can improve an individuals leadership skills. For individuals to entirely benefit from their ability, they need to be slow in what they do and allow their instinct speak for them. To be sure, making attempts of easing the lifes pace is not simple especially when family members, bosses, and subordinates have an assumption that you will be available online at any time. The article states that in spite of our modern keyboards inclination and strong computer processors, being a journalist is a task that suits one interested in pen on paper. Digital is beaten by analog easily in this case because using hands to write something down activates a brains part called reticular system of activation. This might provide an improvement in retention, in turn.Consequently, journaling activity involves rational and analytical brains function. This presents your creative parts wit h the time and space to perform their magic. This article, therefore, assists the executives to work through...

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